NEETaku Presents: SAO Alicization Breakdown – Episode 6

Just like I expected this episode was a huge exposition dump of sorts. Not much progress in the overall story occurred involving Kirito and Eugeo trying to rescue Alice. It mostly focused on Asuna trying to get info on how her husbando was doing. I’ll do my best to summarize things, but don’t get your hopes up. There’s a lot of WTH being talked about and left me with a ton of questions.


First off, this Kiouka guy has apparently been watching too much Gundam Wing cause his plan seems entirely ripped from that show. Replace human soldiers with AI/robotic ones so no more loved need die in war. That’s his whole deal. At least for now. And though I can understand where he;’s coming from, I don’t quite understand how he thinks this will work out in his favor. These Fluctlights were able to LITERALLY WIPE OUT murder and most other crimes simply by creating the Taboo Index. What makes this military guy think they won’t write some code that will make his or anyone else’s orders null & void to them? HAS ANYONE NOT SEEN THE MATRIX, DANG IT!? WHY DO YOU PEOPLE KEEP WANTING TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN!!? XD


Of course little Miss High Horse Asuna jumped into the fray and spouted some BS about how using AI for war was morally wrong and they should be able to choose their own lives and BLAH BLAH BLAH!!! Again, I get where she’s coming from, but it’s still stupid. They aren’t human: They’re lines of code and junk. Unless they can somehow overtake actual humans and use their bodies, having them be killed harms NO ONE! They are just like the Mobile Dolls from Gundam Wing.

And as asinine as her little soap box sermon was, that wasn’t event he dumbest thing Asuna said in that whole episode. Apparently she and Kirito HARBOR NO ANIMOSITY AGAINST KAYABA! I-I…I mean what? WHAT?I!! The guy literally put you through mental and physical Hell for his own selfish goals, killed thousands of people during that time and is always managing to worm his way into every other situation that happens in your life….and you look back on those times with fond memories?!!


Can someone please check this girl for PTSD symptoms or something? I can understand forgiving people, but this is going a bit too far. It’s like Reiki is going out of his way to make Asuna dumber and dumber the more she clings on to Kirito. Regardless, that’s about it for this episode. Hopefully more happens in the next one.

I’m NEETaku and that was Just….My 2 Cents!!